This book is dedicated to my family, especially my sons, in the hopes that they may lead happy and honorable lives.

     I began writing this book when I was crippled with frustration.  "Why don't they see the obvious?!"  I thought that if I could get my ideas down on paper, then I could simply hand this book to someone, rather than go into a tirade at the top of my voice with wild looks and much flailing of the hands <gnashing of teeth in the background>.  I had become an angry and hateful person.  I had never been such before, and still do not consider hate as a normal emotion.  Something was terribly wrong with me, and the problem was in my mind.  As I began writing, there was no room for concepts which were not interlinked and consistent with other concepts.  "Contradiction is futile!"  As I found inconsistencies and contradictions in some of my concepts,  it was time to sit down and codify the contents of my mind.  I had never found a religion that fit well with my scientific mind, and I had visited many churches and such as child.  Science had always promised an answer about human nature and purpose, but had never delivered.  I knew that only once I learned the basic foundations of science would I be able to understand and accept the nature and purpose human life that eventually would be illuminated by science ... eventually <tap tap thud ... Is this mic on?!>.  "Why hasn't someone done this before me?!!" Well, science has been under assault from its beginnings.  Science is the most abused mental endeavor that has ever been undertaken by Mankind.  So, I began a study of religion and philosophy throughout history and came to a few amazing occurrences in history that were turning points in thinking about thought.  Philosophy used to be science and science philosophy.  A philosophy is a religion (ding! ding! correct! Not all religions require one or more gods ... if you live by it ... waddles has feathers, quacks ... its a duck).  Today, philosophy is taught in all universities.  It is not really philosophy, but a form of mind bending contradiction that comes from a few folks that consider themselves much more clever than they really are.  Modern philosophy (pseudo-philosophy) has been developed by a bunch of tortured folks that have difficulty seeing past their belly buttons.  They do love those belly buttons though, so don't make fun of them.  Instead of considering what the human mind is capable of achieving, and the methods to use in mental achievement; these little fellows are convinced that the human mind is incapable.  I would be too if I couldn't quit studying my navel.  "How can they know that Mankind cannot know?  Am I the only one that paying attention?!"  The only response I can get out of them is, "You have a lot to learn about philosophy."  Well, I haven't the patience to describe my navel in various ways until I run out of paper, or find a new and more obscure reference to the same damned thing.  It was silly 250 years ago, and no matter how many times you repeat it or change the wording ... it is still preposterous!  I will not waste another moment considering it.
    About the time one of the world's greatest philosophers was writing the "Declaration of Independence", a funny fellow in Germany was beginning the chanting that is now considered philosophy.  It is rumored that these ideas were advanced to keep the Lutheran population from doubting their belief in the church.  At the time, science (known then as philosophy) was advancing Mankind's knowledge and finding that things were not always consistent with certain religious beliefs.  Last time this problem arose, they just tortured the scientist until they screamed , "Uncle!", and recanted their silly notions.  But this new and disgusting form of philosophy (which I already have shown disdain for and call pseudo-philosophy) denies that Mankind can know or understand.  It is a simple idea to grasp, but simply grasping the idea disproves the entire argument.  Today, this philosophy has been useful to denounce those religious folks among us.  It seems the religious folks follow a morality which doesn't conform to varying contexts.  Of course those large minded (pseudo-scientist) fellows, will denounce any scientific knowledge or morality because Mankind is incapable of recognizing or defining context because it doesn't exist ... or so they say, or know ... feel maybe?  Christianity for instance cannot not be valid because it ignores context, and science cannot be valid because it focuses on context <wrapping head in duct tape ... one moment ... ignore the blood dribbling from my eyes and ears ... is that me whining?>.
    There is an evil on Earth.  I do pity the poor folks that are born to it.  Such empty and frightful lives they must lead.  Getting ahead of myself.  Don't want to give away the punch line or you might get bored and stop reading.  Using this pseudo-philosophy (required indoctrination to graduate college), these evil folks have managed to twist social reasoning abilities into pretzels.  Always good to have the population unable to recognize you for the evil that you are; much better to confuse things.  And remember; However preposterous and false an idea is ... just keep repeating it, and it will eventually be accepted as fact  <grinning from ear to ear ... the tape is holding my mouth in a perpetual grin>  For some reason, people allow the preposterous to be chanted over and over without opposing the silliness.  Normal people know the preposterous and believe that it is sad when others express such nonsense.  But to a normal person it is rude to chant anything, even the truth, when it is unsolicited.  Oh my! Even a greater rudeness to publicly denounce such chanting.  Others have noticed this characteristic and made the statements:

"When one side only of a story is heard and often repeated, the human mind becomes impressed with it insensibly."
— George Washignton : letter to Edmund Pendleton, Jan. 22, 1795

"The uncontested slogans of today, are the accepted virtues of tomorrow."
— Ayn Rand (1970AD)  

     Ayn Rand was a little conflicted in the nature of the term "virtue", but she was probably the brightest bulb of her time.  I admire her beyond expression, and I discovered the little bits for which she searched to tie her marvelous ideas together.  Had she ever committed to another, or had children, it may have become clear to her.  Brings to mind one of my favorite lyrics from Le Miserables, "To love another person is to see the face of God."  Ayn Rand and I came to the same understanding from different directions.  Where I started is near where she stopped.  I worked my way back to her, and once there, she had paved most of the rest for me.  How nice!  How she ever got there in the first place is a marvel; and I do thank her for the work of her incredible mind.  She wrote great and poignant novels, while I simply sit here and peck away.  Trying to be glib and not so dry.  Being literal can make for a "party pooper" on occasion.  I digress.  "Where was I?!" ... back in a moment when I find myself.